August 10, 2017

Join us as we commemorate BYkids 10th anniversary with a screening and panel discussion of our acclaimed POET AGAINST PREJUDICE. On this day, we will honor those we lost by illuminating Islamophobia and the effects of the Muslim ban.

Hearts on Fire

Hearts on Fire

August 31, 2016

Hearts on Fire’s Visionary Program supports social change ‘Visionaries’ including BYkids founder, Holly Carter.

University of Missouri School of Journalism

April 1, 2016

Students at the University of Missouri School of Journalism manage and optimize a Google Grant AdWords campaign that helps connect people with BYkids

Clinton Global Initiative

April 1, 2016

Membership in the Clinton Global Initiative helps BYkids to find and fund five new films for Season Two.

WNET Thirteen

January 21, 2016

BYkids partners with WNET/THIRTEEN, the flagship station of PBS, to bring FILMS BYKIDS to a national audience.

Pen Pal Schools

January 21, 2016

PenPal Schools and BYkids collaborated to connect students from around the world to learn and share their perspectives on the issues presented in the films.

Tamsin Smith

January 20, 2016

Tamsin is a poet, essayist, cultural entrepreneur and social impact innovator. As founder of the creative/strategic consultancy, www.slipstreamstrategy.com, she helps brands and individuals make realities of good ideas that matter to the world. She was President of (PRODUCT) RED, an initiative that she launched with Bono and Bobby Shriver to raise funds and awareness for the fight against AIDS in Africa. She is a fellow at the Aspen Institute and frequently contributes to the Huffington Post.

Film at Lincoln Center

Film at Lincoln Center

January 19, 2016

Film at Lincoln Center partners with BYkids to offer screening events for neighboring schools and families.

Tucker Capital

January 19, 2016

Tucker Capital advises BYkids on partnership outreach, business development and operations.

Freeplay Music

January 19, 2016

Freeplay Music donates music services for the production of BYkids film soundscores.