IFP and the UN Sponsor POET AGAINST PREJUDICE Screening

November 2, 2014

The Independent Film Project and the United Nations host a screening and panel discussion of POET AGAINST PREJUDICE in Brooklyn as YOUTH VOICES: PROMOTING TOLERANCE THROUGH STORYTELLING. http://bit.ly/1tUPbk2.

Meanwhile, FIRE IN OUR HEARTS screens at the Virginia Film Festival; for the Brearley Upper and Middle Schools in NYC, organized by intern, Jennah Gosciak; and our filmmaker, Jayshree Janu Khardade, is in India continuing to make history: http://bit.ly/1xNj1oL

POET AGAINST PREJUDICE Official Selection for Adelaide Kids Film Festival

November 2, 2014

In our ongoing partnership with the Adelaide Australia Kids Film Festival, POET AGAINST PREJUDICE screens at their annual festival.

BYkids’ Films Screen from New Jersey to North Carolina

October 2, 2014

Trichen Lhagyari and Holly Carter screen MY COUNTRY IS TIBET to the full student body (over 700 people) at Loomis Chaffee. Thanks to Alec McCandless, Center for Global Studies and everyone at Loomis.

BYkids screens HOME IS WHERE YOU FIND IT to more than 400 K-12 educators at the plenary of the 17th annual World View conference at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. World View equips K-12 and community college educators with global knowledge, best practices and resources to prepare students to live in an interconnected and diverse world.

POET AGAINST PREJUDICE screens at five New Jersey schools. For Anti-Bullying Week BYkids partnered with Flomo and Bergen County’s school system and police Department to screen to over 2,000 kids with impactful panels discussions after each screening. Join the dialogue and tell us YOUR story: http://on.fb.me/1FOjsmo.

POET AGAINST PREJUDICE Premieres at Lincoln Center on September 11

September 2, 2014

Partnering with the Film Society of Lincoln Center, BYkids hosts the world premiere of POET AGAINST PREJUDICE on the anniversary of 9/11 at Lincoln Center with a live feed of the film and panel discussion about bullying and Islamophobia with Faiza Almontaser to over 5,000 students. The positive impact is overwhelming from teachers and students. http://bit.ly/1qJOvtz.

BYkids Announces Commitment at Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

September 2, 2014

BYkids attends the Clinton Global Initiative as a 2014 Member and presents the Commitment to Action to find and fund five new BYkids films for Season 2 on Public Television. http://bit.ly/1wKMvlY

BYkids Featured in New York Times and BYkids Board Member Albert Mayles Awarded National Medal of Arts

August 2, 2014

The New York Times features BYkids and the powerful work of kids when they tell their own stories! http://nyti.ms/1p8qyI0

Congratulations to our beloved BYkids Board member and Film Mentor, Albert Maysles! President Obama awarded the National Medal of Arts to Albert “for rethinking and remaking documentary film in America.” Thrilled that Albert has mentored our newest film POET AGAINST PREJUDICE.

DISPLACED BUT NOT DEFEATED is Official Selection for HollyShorts Film Festival

July 2, 2014

DISPLACED BUT NOT DEFEATED is chosen as an Official Selection of the 10th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference at the TCL Chinese Theatres in Hollywood and Susan Hoenig (BYkids film mentor) and Tiffany Cheng (Bowdoin intern) to attend.

BYkids to Become a National Series on Public Television

July 2, 2014

We did it!!! Some of the biggest news yet!

BYkids and WNET/American Public Television (APT) have partnered to offer a miniseries of our first five documentaries and lay the framework for a productive, continued collaboration for Season 2 and beyond. APT sees the series as a ‘first of its kind’ offering for family viewing and public television audiences interested in diverse global perspectives. The films will also be streamed online and via mobile to increase the reach to a broader and younger demographic. An anticipated two million additional viewers are expected see our work during the first year of the launch.

Welcome to the 2014 Summer Interns

June 2, 2014

BYkids couldn’t do this without the incredible work and vision of the summer interns. This summer we welcome Courtney Blackner-Raynolds, Rebecca Celli and Penuel Bickley from Colorado College, Tiffany Cheng from Bowdoin and Jennah Gosciak from Brearley.

UN Association Hosts Screening of HOME IS WHERE YOU FIND IT

June 2, 2014

HOME IS WHERE YOU FIND IT screens in Manhattan to a full house, hosted by the United Nations Association of New York with Simon Bland (Director of the UNAIDS NY Office), Holly Carter and Trichen Lhagyari (filmmaker of MY COUNTRY IS TIBET) for a panel discussion following the film. http://bit.ly/1GHIk01.

Listen to Mr. Bland talk about the importance of short documentary film in achieving human rights goals: http://bit.ly/1BPKVqz

Holly Carter, Executive Director of BYkids, talks about the power of listening, her long-term vision for BYkids and offers advice to her 21-year-old self for A Day in May’s “Women Who Inspire” blog: http://bit.ly/1ufy8Em.