Thank you Ability Magazine and writer Karina Ulrike Sturm for the wonderful profile of our work and FAITH’S WORLD.

When the world starts listening to children or young adults, great things happen. Over recent years, more and more children began advocating for their cause – whether it is Greta Thunberg and her work around climate change or Malala Yousafzai and her fight for female education – and their voices influenced not only public opinion but also caused political action. However, children still aren’t getting the attention they deserve. Holly Carter wanted to change that. Her organization BYkids allows children and young adults to produce documentary films and show their world from their perspective. ABILITY Magazine’s Karina Sturm talks to journalist, filmmaker and founder Holly Carter about the organization, as well as to Faith Guilbault, one of the young adults producing a film about her life with cerebral palsy.READ ABILITY MAGAZINE ARTICLE